Haiku from Home
Published on May 11, 2020
While I work at home
On haiku for Japan project,
New York City calls out.
Ambulance sirens
Relentlessly blare—fear, hope
Please save a dear life.
Seven o’clock each night
We clap, ring, and cheer to thank
Those who keep us well.
I hang up my bell
Happy to spot my neighbors,
I try not to cry.
Spring brings a bitter
Parallel. Blossoms fade, fall—
Impermanent, lost
While cooking I ask,
Use these mushrooms today or
Save for tomorrow?
Trader Joe’s nearby
Lucky me! Safe at home—have
Gloves, masks, health … Stay calm!
Make breakfast, start work,
Check emails, bills, speak to friends,
Work, clap, eat, TV
Lots to do, projects
In the house still incomplete
And then, there are bills …
Days run together
Fits and starts—Dress by seven
Still working—Why not?
No Subway steps, race
To work, walking everyday—
Get lost gained five pounds!
Another collage:
Search for apt material
Find colors, photos
TV background noise
I like to see people win.
Price right, Make a deal!
Keep at it, persist
Go until it says “finished.”
Then start another.
Choose paper, color
Cut, paste, write, while dinner bakes
Meals are overcooked.
It sets in, a deep
Sense of urgency, but why—
Is the meaning clear?
Make it right, worthwhile,
Unique: Compel, challenge, care,
Then see form complete
Portrait of this Joyce:
My freedom in quarantine
An artist escapes.